Many companies and SMEs are wondering how their communication and marketing strategies should evolve during a crisis when the appetite for travel and live events has shifted dramatically due to COVID-19.
Although we’re still learning as we go, so here are some recommendations for Dos and Don’ts that could help & guide your approach to Public relations and marketing.
Let’s talk about how to do authentic marketing during a crisis.
Prioritize what is essential: Analyze your data and campaigns, make sure it doesn’t have any elements which aren’t appropriate right now, pause immediately if you think that the content is not relevant according to the scenario. You should also keep an eye on the quarantine view in your geographic business areas as every region is on a different timeline. This content breaks and analysis will give you an advantage when things get back to normal.
Use the power of Social Media to Communicate: Brand communication is a very important tool during a crisis like this where your audience wants to hear from you but remember how to communicate matters. Rather than announce on Facebook, use multiple channels to reach your audience. It’s your responsibility to communicate the facts, have empathy for your audience and do what you can to help, not sell and this how you build your trust during a crisis. Keep your messaging tight, on-point and genuine.
Create Content that is helpful: Nobody knows when this crisis ends, but there will be an end to this. Now is not the time to let the work slide but to work exactly the opposite. It’s time to focus on what you are passionate about, what makes your company and process different. When creating content make sure it’s authentic, Create content that can educate, entertain or inspire people sitting at home all day.
If you run a restaurant that is temporarily closed, it might be the right time for you to share one of your secret family recipes with your folks to make themselves feel at home.
This will helps in increasing engagement on your social platforms while also building brand awareness.
When things begin to bounce back, you will be the one your audience turns to, just like you are there for your family and friends, be there for your customers. As long as you keep the focus on helping the audience your marketing doesn’t have to stop.
Now let’s talk about what you should not do.
Don’t be a Medical expert: Remember you are a business marketer so don’t try to be an expert on the pandemic. It’s the job of the government and healthcare experts to let people know symptomatic information as to how to deal and what’s the treatment. It’s important to keep people informed but don’t be an alarmist.
Think about your Brand communication as what kind of information your customer might want from you specifically your policies, your plans and who to contact for questions. Stay in your lane as Business Professionals.
Don’t Play with People fears: Using a sense of urgency to sell your products & services is one thing but using alarm tactics is wrong. For example, terms like “limited stock left” or “for a limited period” or something like “Hot COVID-19 Sale”. Don’t scare people into buying for sake of family health or safety.
Make sure you mind your marketing tone and language or other tactless messaging.
Avoid showing or evaluating content that might feed concern: we know that visual content is effectual and so as the words we use. So make sure to avoid images of large crowds of people hugging, touching or any close interactions, it includes people working in the office or at any gathering out of the house. Usually content like that is a win but right now it could encourage fear among the audience about the spreading of the virus.
Remember this crisis won’t Last Forever, but we’re also advised that feeling productive, and feeling like we add value to the world is very meaningful. We wish everyone health and safety during this quarantine time.
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Get in touch! Or Consult with India’s one of the Leading Social Media Strategist Anoop Mishra, Founder of a Top rated Brand Comm & PR agency Publicity Mantra.