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PR for Startups!

So, what is your master plan to enter the market? How do you plan to overtake your competition? The market today is a filled with companies competing each other for visibility and gaining customers. In a situation like this creating a new business is difficult and many times entrepreneurs give up when they don’t receive good opportunities.
It is inevitable that you will struggle when you start a new business, or enter a new market. But as a businessman you need to understand that business is more than selling a good product. You need to be more visible and reachable if you wish to survive the market and become the best.
To achieve this, PR or Public Relations plays a very crucial role.

Here are some tips for an effective PR strategy for your Startup

Focus on your Market

First step for PR is to choose a specific market. To whom you want to sell your product or services to. You need to properly understand that the product you manufacture is not for everyone and will most probably have one type of buyer. You need to focus on that buyer.
If you have a fixed market, you can approach them directly to promote your product.

Create Content

You can control your image in the market if you take correct measures. Your image is dependent on what people hear about you, what they read about you. To control your image, you can publish positive content on social media, or Press.
Approach a journalist and ask him to review your services in their blogs. People often read journalists blog in the newspaper and if your business is praised by Press, then chances of gaining more customers increases.

Share your Story

Customers, now, are more interested in who you are than what you sell. Use this as an opportunity to communicate with customers. Tell them your story, hoe you started your business. What made you choose why you want to do business. What visions you share. All these stories will attach your business to customers on an emotional and personal level.

Personalise your Promotions

Talk to your customers rather than promoting your product. You can do this by email, SMS marketing. Personalise your messages to them. Send them emails or Texts offering them something more than your product.

Speak to your audience

PR provides a huge opportunity for you to speak to your target audience. But for converting them into customers you need to be compelling. You need to make sure they can hear you, that you are visible.

All these PR tips will definitely help you to create a perfect marketing strategy for your Startup!

Let us Guide you to create a Perfect Brand Strategy!

Get in touch! Or Consult with India’s one of the Leading Social Media Strategist Anoop Mishra, Founder of a Top rated Brand Comm  & PR agency Publicity Mantra.